10,000 Website Traffic Visits
10,000+ Visits to your website (link)
Visible on Google analytics
Visits are spread into 30 days
~ 335 visits per day and more
10,000 Website Traffic Visits
Our website traffic is from mixed countries, mixed sources and visits time. Clicks are from known IP addresses, redirects, popups and other sources and is visible to Google analytics, so these clicks are important for improving rankings.
Website traffic and clicks are for promotional purpose only ant to increase rankings, so it is hard to expect increase in sales, leads, downloads or other activities on your website. But traffic can boost up your rankings to get organic visits that may lead to activities on your website.
Every website traffic plan is delivered in 30 days, to get the best exposure to your website. It looks more natural to receive 100, 200 or 500 visits per day than thousands visits per day, so spreading the number of visits per 30 days is recommended option.